Why do people want to lose weight? Well, it is for many reasons. Some are wannabes of certain celebrities while others are just worried about their health. It is becoming a very popular weight loss product in the current world with a huge following. Let’s have a look at this product and how it helps people lose weight.
What is it?
Garcinia cambogia is a sour tropical fruit from Indonesia. It is also found in some other Asian countries. Its other names are Tamarind fruit, Garcinia Cambogi or Gorikapuli among many others. The fruit contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA) commonly used to make some medicine.
How does it work to lose weight?
Suppressing appetite
The acid is great in ensuring people do not eat. It increases the level of a chemical called serotonin in the body. This chemical found in the brain is responsible for regulating some processes related to people’s appetite. When the sugar craving and appetite are curbed, weight loss is facilitated. This serotonin is also responsible for raising the moods and chances of people turning to food for stress release is low. Those individuals who eat with emotions now have no excuse to give.
Blocking the fat
The HCA inhibits the citrate lyase which is a metabolic enzyme for deploying the fat in the body. Fat being one of the main reasons for weight gain, its inhabitation works miracles. Citrate lyase will trigger the conversion of carbohydrates and sugar into storable fat. The fats are mostly stores around the stomach hips and thighs. Garcinia is greatly praised for hindering this process to occur. Hence, this is considered as its greatest advantage in weight loss facilitation. Mostly it is sold as an extract or as a supplement.
Lowers cholesterol
Now that we have seen how HCA works to hinders the body from forming fat, the same process inhibits the formation of bad cholesterol in the blood. It also keeps blood pressure at lowered level and ensures good circulation of blood in the body. This contributes to overall body health in an amazing way.
Improved metabolism
This product will enhance the overall body metabolism. With improved metabolism, one can be sure that any stored fat will be burnt to a required level. Most overweight people have a slow metabolism rate forcing the body to store the unused energy in the form of fat. Garcinia Cambogia is recommended as a natural product that gives amazing weight loss results.